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Week 16 - Last week in Italy

  Boungiorno Friends and Family, Sadly this was my last week living in Italy. I can’t believe my time here is coming to an end and I will soon return to the US. There have been so many fantastic memories made here and I am glad I will have these blogs to look back on and remember what my time in Italy was like.  The last week of school mainly consisted of finishing up our class work and getting ready for the final presentation. Aenya and I were very happy to be done with our project but also enjoyed putting in our final additions. While finishing up our project we also had the stress of packing our bags and making sure we were ready for the next part of our trip. On Thursday we were finally ready to present our project. Our project for the semester was to examine the city of Orvieto and identify a need within the community that we could fix. Another thing they emphasized was making sure we included the Corpus Domini celebration into our design. Aenya and I chose to focus on the design

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